MEL’s Projects section, when developed, will be a workspace in which visitors can draw upon images and texts in our Archive and Editions sections to create new scholarship, pedagogy, and classroom assignments.
In the workspaces we currently have and in those we hope to develop, we provide opportunities for scholars, editors, instructors, students, and general readers to assemble and sort materials, and generate projects that will be added to the MEL platform.
Already available are editing tools like TextLab and FairCopy, with which MEL editors create our MEL editions. With access accounts, visitors to MEL would be able to use these tools to make editions of their own. We hope to develop Hofstra DRC’s Itinerary so that visitors could annotate historical maps over time, with links to Melville-related archival materials and MEL editions. We envision a version of MIT-HyperStudio’s Annotation Studio that would allow instructors, students, and general readers a platform for annotating a given MEL text for classroom discussion.
So far, participants have helped us develop our London and Rome Itinerary projects, our database of places in the Geographical Imagination in Moby-Dick. Graduate and undergraduate students at Hofstra, MIT, King’s College at University of London, Northern Kentucky University, George Washington University, and Penn State have contributed revision narratives regarding selected revision sites in the Billy Budd manuscript, helped curate Melville’s art print collection, build our correspondence database, and strategize our project on the Bradbury-Huston film adaptation of Moby-Dick.
In future developments, we plan to incorporate the Voyant suite of tools for text analysis and to create Melville ReMix, a workspace that will allow users to search, sort, and assemble MEL images and texts for creating essays, presentations, and exhibits for publication and classroom use.
Consult our folder of Use Cases for other potential MEL projects, and send us ideas of your own on how you might use MEL’s Archive and Editions. If you have a MEL project to propose, please Contact US.
- Moby-Dick (TBD)
Houston's 1956 "Moby Dick" Sample Collation of Bradbury's Screenplay v. Melville's Moby-Dick Sample Images from William Grimes's Storyboards for Houston's "Moby Dick"TRAVEL: Melville's Geographical Imagination
Gansevoort Revises Augusta: IntroductionMelville ReMix Use Cases